1005 Udumbara Flowers Blooming

Falun Is Wheeling

Holy King of Falun Has Come to Earth to Save People

Author, Photographs, Drawings and Captions by Dr. Chiu Kay Lau



This comparatively shorter English paper is based on the extended Chinese paper, namely ”優曇婆羅花盛開法輪聖王下世慈悲普渡” (Udumbara Flowers Blooming  Holy King of Falun Has Come to Save People). It is posted on http://big5.zhengjian.org/articles/ 2010/2/5 /64161.html (in the “Pureinsight.org” on 5th February 2010), and is posted on http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/10/2/6/n2811386.htm (in the “epochtimes.com” on 6th February 2010) respectively. Interested readers are suggested to click into one of these links to see the entire paper if the reader understands Chinese.


The Garden with Master Coming

My wife and I lived in a detached house in Sai Kung, Hong Kong . The house was bought in in 2001. It was an old and deserted house at the end corner of a village. We revamped it completely into the present house. It is a house with three and half stories and a rooftop of 2000+ square feet, and a garden about 6000+ square feet furnished with a swimming pool. The house is against mountains and facing a gulf, with a peaceful and tranquil environment. We were Christians when we bought in the house, so we named the property “Lord coming Garden”. We kept the name even though after we have changed to practise Falundafa. We convey the Garden a newer meaning, i.e. “ Master Coming Garden ” (The Lord and the Master have the common Chinese word).


“With a Courtyard of Gorgeous Flowers, the Spring Has Her Master. The Windstorm Continues Through the Night, but There Is No Need to Worry” (一院奇花春有主,連宵風雨不須愁)

The Udumbara (Youtan Poluo Flower) (優曇婆羅花) in Buddhism is called Pali in Sanskirt, and Udonge (優曇華) in Japanese. The Udumbara can also refer to the blue lotus (Nila Udumbara) flower.



This is a corner of the “ Master Coming Garden ”. Trees and flowers are all around the Garden. Ms. Lam checked whether there were anymore Udumbara Flowers on the vegetations. (4742)


This is another corner of the “ Master Coming Garden ”. In this refined garden, There had been about 926 Udumbara flowers blossoming in these three years silently. (4915)

On 23rd August 2008, 42 delicate and fragrant Udumbara flowers appeared on the stainless steel gate of the car park front garden of my house. It was stated in the Almanac (《通書》、《通勝》) that this day was good for “Pu Du” (普度) (evangelism). Many visitors came to see the flowers. Among them, seven persons were touched. They have practiced Falun Dafa since then.

In the year of 2009, there had been more than 796 Udumbara flowers growing successively in my garden. The Udumbara flowers started to grow on 11th May 2009. There were 30 Udumbara flowers growing on the aluminum gate of our house, facing the water front garden. It was two days before Master Li’s birthday. The birthday of Master Li was on 13th May. The Udumbara flowers showed up just on time. My wife, Pui Fun, and I thought that it was the birthday present to Master Li given from the Divine. That was the second time that the Udumbara flowers grew in this house.

A week later, i.e. on 18th May 2009, another 12 Udumbara flowers grew on the other side of the frame of the same aluminum gate. That was the third time that the Udumbara flowers burst in our house. There were totally 42 Udumbara flowers growing out in the whole garden, including the Udumbara flowers emerged before in this year.


42 Udumbara flowers grew on the steel gate of the car park front garden on 23rd August 2008. They looked extremely colorful.


6 Udumbara flowers were found on the iron skeleton of an umbrella On 26th June 2009. It is a miracle that they can survive even up to the present moment.

Another week later, i.e. 28th May, 28 Udumbara flowers came into view on the iron screen of the screen door, facing the car park garden. That was the fourth time that the Udumbara flowers bloomed in our house. There were totally 70 Udumbara flowers becoming visible in the garden, including the Udumbara flowers coming into sight two times before in this year.

Not a week later, i.e. 1st June, the maid told Pui Fun and I that there were 45 Udumbara flowers coming out on the aluminum gate, facing the swimming pool. We were very delighted for sure. After we had watched the Udumbara flowers with appreciation, Pui Fun caught sight of some other Udumbara flowers becoming visible on the leaves of the plants near her. We searched the whole garden for the Udumbara flowers. We found out that there were at least 94 Udumbara flowers in at least 40 places on the leaves. The Udumbara flowers grew on the leaves of most of the plants in the garden. That was the fifth time that the Udumbara flowers appeared in our house. There were totally 194 Udumbara flowers blossomed in the garden, including the Udumbara flowers coming out three times before in this year. Nearly in every corner of the garden, there were Udumbara flowers found.

From 1st June onwards, the maid, Pui Fun and I discovered new Udumbara flowers every day in the garden. Because of our busy work, we had no time to check them everyday. After 11th May, i.e. the day when the Udumbara flowers were first found this year, there were strong winds, heavy rainfall, storms or typhoons nearly daily. After storms, part of the Udumbara flowers disappeared, but more new Udumbara flowers came into sight again.


30 Udumbara flowers burst out on the aluminum gate facing the water front garden on 11th May 2009. They lined up in order perfectly. It seemed that a great show was ready to perform. (3906)


12 Udumbara flowers sent forth on the aluminum frame of the glass gate facing the water front garden on 18th May 2009. 5 lacewing eggs died due to strong sunshine and high temperature. (3902)


On 4th June, there were 99 new Udumbara flowers show up from 36 new places on the plants. There were totally 265 Udumbara flowers emerging in the garden, including those still existed. Since 11th May, there had been 308 Udumbara flowers appearing in our garden.

On 5th June, there were at least 34 Udumbara flowers found in the garden.

On 6th June, there were 10 Udumbara flowers found hurriedly in the two places of the garden.

On 7th June, 59 Udumbara flowers were found in 13 places on the plants in the garden.

Another week later, i.e. 8th June, my wife and I did not need to go out early for work. We made photos for the Udumbara flowers. At least 167 Udumbara flowers were found to burst out on 54 spots in the garden, including glass frames, iron wires, withered branches and the leaves of plants. It was estimated that there were at least 450 Udumbara flowers growing in the garden. Every corner of the garden of more than 6000 square feet was scattered around with the Udumbara flowers. Since 11th May, there had been 578 Udumbara flowers appearing in our garden this year.



45 Udumbara flowers burst forth on the aluminum gate facing the swimming pool on 1st June2009. They emerged various colours under the sunshine.


10 Udumbara flowers hung on the leaf of the taro on 4th June 2009. They colour like yellow due to the background colour. They were lights in the ocean.

On 12th June, 11 new Udumbara flowers were discovered unintentionally on the orchid of the front door.


9 Udumbara flowers stood on the leaf of the taro on 7th June 2009. They looked white. They were really Udumbara flowers. They seemed yellow lights on the green ocean.


11 Udumbara flowers erected on the orchid on 12th June 2009. They looked strong as well as delicate. Their sparkling colour against the chaotic background attracted our attention. (4472)

On 18th June, 19 Udumbara flowers were found on the fourth glass pane of the garden closure near the swimming pool. A foot more apart from that spot burst forth another 4 Udumbara flowers on the same glass pane. On the first window pane of the same closure sent forth another 30 Udumbara flowers. On the third glass pane grew another 26 Udumbara flowers. There were totally 79 Udumbara flowers found on the glass panes of that wall facing the sea.

On 22nd June, Pui Fun found unintentionally 23 Udumbara flowers on the stainless gate of the car park garden. Around three feet from there sent out another one Udumbara flowers on the same gate. Another foot apart from that Udumbara flower sent forth another Udumbara flower on the same gate.

On 26th June, the typhoon would come. The maid cut out the leaves with Udumbara flowers on for us to keep. A total of 25 leaves were cut. On the leaves 72 Udumbara flowers were found. On the skeleton of an umbrella, 6 Udumbara flowers were seen. A total of 78 Udumbara flowers were discovered that day. There were at least 771 Udumbara flowers found totally so far.


On 8th June 2009, six Udumbara flowers spread out beautifully from the branch of a rose. They were sprinkling white. (4464)


On 5th June 2009, 10 Udumbara flowers descended on to the leaf of an American peanut(美國花生、發財樹). (4267)

On 3rd July, the storm was coming. The maid cut out the leaves, on which the Udumbara flowers grew, for us to keep. A total of 8 leaves were cut out. On those leaves 11 Udumbara flowers were found.On 3rd July, I told the maid not to cut out the leaves with the Udumbara flowers on for us to keep anymore, even strong wind, heavy rainfall, storms or typhoons came.


On 18th May 2009, six lacewing eggs and 12 Udumbara flowers appeared on the glass pane of a aluminum gate. The lacewing eggs failed to stand the long-lasting six to seven hours of strong sunshine and died or fell off. But, the 12 Udumbara flowers still existed on the glass pane under the high temperature of 49.1℃ . (3901)


On 22nd June 2009, one lacewing egg and 23 Udumbara flowers came out on the steel gate. The lacewing eggs failed to stand the long-lasting six to seven hours of strong sunshine and died or fell off. But, the 23 Udumbara flowers still survived on the gate under the high temperature of 49.1℃ . (4513)

On 6th July, the maid informed Pui Fun and I that there were 14 new Udumbara flowers found on the four leaves of different plants. Since 11th May, there had been 796 Udumbara flowers blooming in our house. There were a grand total of 838 Udumbara flowers found successively in our garden including the Udumbara flowers appearing on 23rd August 2008. Since there were so many Udumbara flowers appearing in our premises, we took this chance to examine the Flower scientifically and religiously in order to tell her structure and characteristics. On the other hand, my wife and I felt very blessed coming from the divine. We believed that we had great responsibility to send this message out to the world.

“With a Courtyard of Gorgeous Flowers, the Spring Has Her Master. The Windstorm Continues Through the Night, but There Is No Need to Worry” Part II

The story does not end…...


From 11th June to 3rd July 2009, Pui Fun, the domestic helper and I covered all the plants with large neon cloth in order to protect the Udumbara flowers from the damage caused from the storms. (4477)

From 11th June 2009 to 3rd July, Pui Fun, the domestic helper and I covered all the Udumbara flowers on glass panes, metal gates and steel screens in order to protect the Udumbara flowers from the damage caused from the storms. (4476)

The last two verses of the Ninth Stanza of the Plum Blossom Poem (梅花詩) written by shào yōng (邵雍), a famous prophesy poet in the South Sung Dynasty(南宋) in the ancient China came true in our garden. It was stated that “With a courtyard of gorgeous flowers, the spring has her master. The windstorm continues through the night, but there is no need to worry” in the last two verses of the Ninth Stanza of the Plum Blossom Poem. The authentic interpretation was inscribed in the Deciphering the Last Three Stanzas of the Plum Blossom Poem. “With a courtyard of gorgeous flowers, the spring has her master” means that “Before July 20, 1999, Falun Dafa disciples were everywhere in Mainland China . (They) spread all over the country and (wore) Falun Gong pins and posters of Dafa’s Falun. (This) could be seen everywhere—they looked like gorgeous flowers”. “The spring has her master” means that “In the spring of a certain year, the persecuted Dafa disciples will meet their Master in an open and dignified manner”. “The windstorm continues through the night, but there is no need to worry” means that “In light of history, the persecution of Dafa disciples, no matter how rampant the evil gets, (have) nothing to worry about, just like a full night’s windstorm—day will break as soon as the windstorm is over.”

In another angle, the poem reveals another truth to us. These “gorgeous” Udumbara “flowers” from heaven, came to our “courtyard”, namely the “ Master Coming Garden ”, “in the spring of” the last “year” and this “year”. Even under “The windstorm (which) continue(d) through the night(s), but there is no need to worry” about the “Flowers” and the situation. Keep doing well what a Falundafa disciple should do, i.e. to study Fa, practice Exercises, cultivate solidly and diligently, expose the evil and clarify the truth to people.


On 8th June 2009, 15 Udumbara flowers were found on the glass pane of the wall facing the sea. They still danced on the pane after storms of many days and nights. The Flowers come into sight rhythmically. (4433)


From 11th June 2009 to 3rd July, the maid cut down the leaves on which the Udumbara flowers burst forth. They were put into a metal bottle. It was to protect the Udumbara flowers from damaging after storms. We thought that it might be an effective method to protect these invaluable flowers from heaven. (4505)

This year, the last two verses, “With a courtyard of gorgeous flowers, the spring has her master. The windstorm continues through the night, but there is no need to worry” in the Ninth Stanza of the Plum Blossom Poem became fulfilled again in our garden. The Udumbara flowers have blossomed since 12th February 2010. The 4th February 2010 was the date when the “spring” season started (i.e. the first solar term) in the traditional Chinese almanac. The 14th February 2010 was the first day of the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year. It is also called the “Spring” Festival by the people of the Mainland China.

In the morning of 12th February 2010, i.e. the two days before the Chinese Lunar New Year, the maid told my wife and I that she found 3 Udumbara flowers on the two leaves of the Codiaeum variegatum (Garden Croton) (洒金榕) respectively, 1 Udumbara flower on the two leaves of a buckeye (horse chestnut) respectively, and 6 Udumbara flowers on a leaf of a Rohdea japonica (萬年青). There were totally 10 new Udumbara flowers bursting in our garden. We understood that there will be a new phase of blossoming Udumbara flowers. We thanked the blessing from the heaven and we acknowledged that they were the Chinese Lunar New Year present to Master Li. It was also a clear indication to us that we should take this chance to Hung Fa (spread Dafa and validate Dafa) to the people around the world.


On 1st June 2009, one brown lacewing egg and three white Udumbara flowers both existed on the same leaf of a tangerine (桔樹). Who is the righteous and who is the evil? It is up to you to awaken! (3993)


On 7th June 2009, six lacewing eggs were laid on a neon string. This is to show that they can hatch on any materials without surface lives, like the Udumbara flowers that can grow on any objects with or without surface lives. (4373)

From 12th February 2010 and up to 11th March 2010, there had been 88 Udumbara flowers bursting in our garden. Except for the first time, that was the time when the Udumbara flowers were found by the maid on 12th February 2010, all the Udumbara flowers were found by visitors. In the visit, we first show visitors the Udumbara flowers found. After they knew what the Flower looked like, they were encouraged to find Udumbara flowers for themselves. If they found new Udumbara flowers, they were given strings to tie the leaves up. Then, they wrote down their names, dates, numbers of the Udumbara flowers found and the names of the plants on plastic tags. Finally, they clipped the tags on the strings to show who found the Flowers. People have blessings from heaven if they can see the Udumbara flowers. Their blessings are even higher if they can find Udumbara flowers for themselves. There had been several dozen people coming to visit and look for the Flower. The visitors were either from countries outside Hong Kong or from Hong Kong . New Udumbara flowers were found each day if there were visitors. New Udumbara flowers were found by each group of people no matter how big or how small the group was. The groups might be as big as two dozen people, or they might be as small as two persons. It was found that all visitors from the cities outside Hong Kong could certainly find their Udumbara flowers. After seeing and searching for Flowers, we introduced them what Falundafa is. Many people showed their willingness to practice Falundafa.

There were totally 1005 Udumbara flowers found in our courtyard, including the 42 Udumbara flowers on 23rd August 2008, the 796 Udumbara flowers from 11th May 2009 to 6th July 2009, and the 167 Udumbara flowers from12th February 2010 to 1st May 2010.

Meaning of the Udumbara



There had been many strong winds and rainfalls, storms and even typhoons since May. On 4th June 2009, 8 Udumbara flowers were discovered on the leaf of the poinsettia (一品紅) after the storm. They hanged under the big and red leaf. No one flower was beaten down. (4129)

On 4th June 2009, 7 Udumbara flowers were found swinging on the branch of longan (龍眼樹,桂圓樹). (4225)



According to the Buddhist Scriptures, the Udumbara flower is not a plant belonging to this earthy dimension. It is a rare, conspicuous and spiritual flower from the celestial.

It is cited in The Prajna Paramita (or The Great Perfection of Wisdom) Sultra that “The ordinary human body always keeps inconstant. Wealth is nothing but a dream. Nothing is lacking. The righteous belief is still difficult to pursuit. When there is a chance to hear the wonderful Dharma from the Tathagata, isn’t it as rare and precious as the Udumbara?” (大般若波羅蜜多經》中又云:「人身無常,富貴如夢,諸根不缺,正信尚難。況值如來得聞妙法,不為稀有如優曇花?」)

According to the Fahua Text, a scripture that explains the Fahua Sutra in Buddhism, “The Udumbara is the spiritual and auspicious flower. It appears once in every three millennia. On such, it is said to herald the advent of the Golden wheel king.” (法華文句》四上記載:「優曇花者,此言靈瑞。三千年一現,現則金輪王出。」)


24 Udumbara flowers spread out on the stainless gate of the car park garden On 22nd June 2009. (4516)


20 Udumbara flowers spread around the leaves of the wisteria floribunda on 26th June 2009


From Volume 2 of the Lotus Sutra (妙法蓮華經文句卷二》), an important Mahayana Buddhist text in the 3rd century, we know that “All Buddhas come into the world. But rarely, and hard to meet; And when they appear in the world, It’s hard for them to speak the Dharma. Throughout countless ages, too, It’s difficult to hear this Dharma. And those who can hear this Dharma—Such people too, are rare, Like the Udumbara flower, In which all take delight, Which the gods and human prize, For it blooms but once in a long, long time. So one who hears this Dharma, gives joyful praise, With even just a single word, Has thereby made offerings, To all the Buddhas of the three periods of time. Such people are extremely rare. Rarer than the Udumbara flower (59).” It is also said in the Lotus Sutra Abstract Chapter 2 Verse 4 upper part that “The Udonge is spiritual and auspicious. It appears once in every three millennia. On such, it is said to herald the advent of the Golden wheel king.” (妙法蓮華經文句纂要卷二》四上記載:「優曇華者,此言靈瑞。三千年一現,現則金輪王出。」)

It is mentioned in Chapter 42 Volume 5 of the Buddha Sayings Commentary that “The Udonge is the spiritual and auspicious flower. It appears once in every three millennia. On such, it is said to herald the advent of the Golden Wheel King. It is to tell that the Buddha is difficult to meet and such a time is hard to encounter.” (佛說四十二章經疏鈔卷五》謂「優曇缽。此雲靈瑞華。三千年一現,現則金輪王出。舉此以喻佛待時出難值遇也。」)


15 Udumbara flowers lined up on a withered branch of a dogtooth violet(狗牙花) like a toothbrush on 8th June  2009. They were white in sight, but they appeared yellow in camera. They are really Udumbara flowers after examining under the microscope. (4381)


28 Udumbara flowers glistened on the stainless steel screen of the front screen door like stars on 28th May 2009. They liked sparkling lights with sharp colours.(4105)

It is stated in Volume 8 of The Phonetics and Semantics of All Sutra that “The Udumbara is a Sanskrit word, meaning the auspicious, spiritual and supernatural flower from the celestial. It does not exist in the mundane world. If the Tathagata or the King of the Golden Wheel appears in the human world, this flower will be moved to manifest due to His great virtue and blessing.” (一切經音義》卷八曰:「優曇花。梵語。古譯訛略也。梵語正云烏曇跋羅。此云祥瑞靈異之天花也。世間無此花。若如來下生。金輪王出現世間。以大福德力故,感得此花出現)。」)

It is also described in detailed in Volume 6 of The Phonetics and Semantics of All Sutra Continuance that “The Udumbara is a Sanskrit word, meaning the auspicious and mysterious flower from the celestial. It does not exit in the mundane world. If the Tathagata or the King of the Golden Wheel appears in the human world, this flower will be moved to manifest due to His great virtue and blessing.”續一切經音義》卷六云:「優曇鉢羅。次徒含反。梵語也。舊云優曇。正云烏曇鉢羅。此云祥瑞奇異天花也。世間無此花。若如來下生。金輪王出現。以大福德力故,感得此花出現也)。」

8th June 2009, 7 Udumbara flowers burst out on the end part of a withered branch of the leechee tree(
荔枝樹). One Flower was beat by storms to curve her body and one Flower leaned on the body of a companion. (4458)


1st June 2009, 2 Udumbara flowers burst out on the end part of a withered bark of a devil's ivy (Epipremnum aureum黄金葛). It appeared to me that they were telling people something. God/Buddha has come to earth to save the world. Folks, please don’t wait. Look for the truth. Time is running out! (4058)

It is indicated in Volume 8 of the Huilin Phonetics and Semantics, a Buddhist scripture from the Tang Dynasty of the ancient China in the early 9th century, that “The Udumbara is the product of touch elicited from the conspicuous, spiritual and supernatural phenomenon. It is the celestial flower and does not exit in the mundane world. If the Tathagata or the King of the Golden Wheel appears in the human world, this flower will be moved to manifest due to His mighty virtue and blessing.” (慧琳音義》卷八載明:「優曇婆羅花為祥瑞靈異之所感,乃天花,為世間所無,若如來下生、金輪王出現世間,以大福德力故,感得此花出現。」)

According to the Buddhist Scriptures quoted above, the Udumbara flower is “the auspicious, spiritual and supernatural flower” as well as the ”mysterious flower from the celestial”. It is the heavenly flower from the high dimension and it “does not exist in the mundane world”. It is rare on earth as well and it “appears once in every three millennia (three thousand years)” only.

Twenty-four Udumbara flowers were first found on a golden brass Tathagata sculpture in a Buddhist temple in Kyungki-D of South Korea in July 1997. It was the 3024th lunar year after the birth of the Buddha Shakyamuni according to the Buddhism calendar. In these years, the Udumbara flowers have burst forth many times in the world. It signifies that the “King of the Golden Wheel”, i.e. “the King of Falun” (the King of Turning the Law Wheel), “appears in the human world”. He would save people with “His mighty virtue and blessing” in this world.

Simple Analyses

The Udumbara flower colors snow white normally. They are minute and light. The Udumbara is a Sanskrit for the “heavenly flower”, “imaginary flower”, “lucky and blessing flower” or “levitating flower”. This mysterious and auspicious flower from heaven that blossoms only once in every 3000 years. It is the time when the Holy King of Falun comes to the human world. It claims as a sign of rare preciousness and a miracle. The Holy King of Falun is an ideal King who turns the Wheel that rectifies the Dharma, not through force but justice in order to rule the world.


My wife and I had observed the Udumbara flowers closely for months. We found out that they can exist anywhere in our garden, including steel gates, aluminum gates, glass panes, iron wires, steel wires, withered branches and leaves, stems, branches and leaves. They can live in the temperatures as low as 7.1­­­­oC up to as high as 49.1oC. They do not need soil, nutrients, water and air from this human world. We could not find out where they came from. It seemed that they appeared suddenly. We could see them blooming. We could not see how they disappeared. In fact, it was reported that the flower may stay there for more than one year without being withered. We tried to put some flowers in some transparent and closed boxes. Some flowers went away, and they disappeared completely without any remains left in the boxes.

Through close observations, objective scriptures analyses and careful scientific studies, we can distinguish the Udumbara flower from the Udumbara tree, the epiphyllum (also called the night-blooming cereus or Epiphyllum Oypetalum), the mould (also called the mycete or mucedine), the moss and lichen (also called the Bryophta, including the Musei, Hepatica and Anthocerotae), the lacewing egg, and the dragonfly egg. There has been a great query whether the Udumbara flower is the lacewing egg since their outer appearances are so similar. We found both Udumbara flowers and lacewing eggs in our garden. It was shown in our statistics that there were 12.14% of lacewing eggs and 87.86% of Udumbara flowers found in our premises.

Please refer to the Chinese paper ”優曇婆羅花盛開法輪聖王下世慈悲普渡” for the detailed analyses.



In order to understand the structure of the Udumbara flower, I, through the 100x microscope, examined the outlook of the Flower. I then sketched down the outline of the Flower. She is pure white. The minute bud hangs on the slender stem. The other end of the stem sticks on the surface of an object. The bud has not yet blossomed.


I noticed different processes in the flowering of the Udumbara flower. The flowering stage is a slow process. The bud opens slowly and the stamen comes out gradually. The stamen emerges out the most while the flower is widely open. Then the Flower stays in this shape for a long time until she vanishes. Here in these two pictures, the buds of the Udumbara flowers opened slightly only. There were some short stamens emerging out from the petals.


I, through the 100x microscope, studied the structure of the Udumbara flower. The cell tissues of the petal are in hexagon. Her tissues resemble those of plants. They are different from those of the shells of insects, lacewings or lacewing eggs. The shell tissues of the lacewing or lacewing egg are thin layers without any geometrical shapes.

 The Truth Behind

I am a musician, a music educatherapist, a researcher and a piano teacher. I started Falun Dafa practice in the United Kingdom in April, 2002. I opened my celestial eye and ear in 2003. Since then, I saw the golden shining Fashen of Master Li, the gold and red shining Zhuan Falun scriptures, celestial beings performing divine music, the glistening red, orange, yellow, green, violet, blue and purple piano scores of Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin etc., and my wife’s and my lives in other dimensions etc. I heard the music of practicing Falundafa exercises and the music from other divine dimensions, including the music concerning Falundafa, sacred and secular music.



4th June 2009, 7 lacewing eggs were laid on the leaf of a lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana、富貴竹). (4204)

th June 2009, 7 lacewing eggs were laid on the leaf of a taro (芋頭). They scattered around on the back side of the taro leaf. (4314)

From 6th June to 1st July 2009, I saw through my third eyes eleven times different patterns of the Udumbara flowers. There were one to five separate flowers levitating in the air. There were bundles of three to 14 Udumbara flowers respectively. Some flowers are in the air, some are on branches, some are on a leaf and some are on a big tree (possibly on the Udumbara tree). The images of the snow white Udumbara flowers levitated against the dark background for one to five seconds. This gave me the impression that the flowers burst forth suddenly in the air and vanished suddenly in the air.

The images of different patterns of the Udumbara flowers seen through my third eye manifested into my space are illustrated as above.


My wife and I feel strongly that we do have a great responsibility to disclose the phenomenon concerning the prosperous blooming of the Udumbara flowers in our garden. It is to enable people to know this Flower and to understand the purport of appearing this Flower on earth.



Under the 100x microphone, the lacewing appears rather dark. The empty shell is hairy. The hairs are like those of insects. The lacewing larva gets out from the top part of the egg. After the larva has left the egg, the edges left behind are comparatively uneven. There are some loopholes on the shell too due to the struggle of the larva out the shell.


The lacewing larva gets   out of the shell through its top part. A cover is then left on the top part of the shell. There are some gaps left behind the shell too. The gaps are made by the larva when it struggles out of the shell. On the outer part of the empty shell, there are many dark hairs.


I sketched down the different shapes of the lacewing eggs with the help of a 100x microscope. The empty shell left behind by the larva is dark. The shell layer is very thin. There is no tissue being observed. The lacewing larva gets out of the shell by breaking the loophole situated at the top of the shell. It may break through the sides of the shell to get out. That is why there are so many gaps on the surface of the shell. They are the signs that show the lacewing larva struggling away from the shell. The  threads left behind the shell are umbilical cord that holds the larva to the shell.

The date when my wife and I first found the Udumbara flowers showing up in our garden, it was stated in Almanac (通書》、《通勝) that that day was good for “Pu Du” (普度) (evangelism). I do hope that this paper can convey readers a revelation. Take this chance to practice Falundafa. Do not miss this opportunity which would not come once in a million years. Interested persons please read Zhuan Falun thoroughly from the very beginning to the very end in order to understand the Law.


37.jpg  From 6th June to 8th June 2009, I saw through my third eye different patterns of the levitating Udumbara flowers. There were 1 to 8 flowers. The images lasted for 1 to 3 seconds.

On 9th June 2009, I saw through my third eye different patterns of the levitating Udumbara flowers. There were 1 to 4 flowers in the  images which lasted for 1 to 3 seconds.

On 10th June 2009, I saw successively through my third eye two different patterns of the levitating Udumbara flowers on the same large tree. It lasted for 4 to 5 seconds.


On 1st July 2009, I saw through my third eye the levitating Udumbara flowers. It was a bundle of 14 sparkling white flowers against a dark background. The image was clear, refined and lasted for 3 seconds


I am terribly sorry that only part of the Chinese paper  ”優曇婆羅花盛開法輪聖王下世慈悲普渡” has been translated into English in this paper. I would like to translate the whole Chinese paperinto English if I have time in the future. Anyone who likes to help can contact me through the below-mentioned channel.


The story that the Udumbara flowers bloomed does not end……. The Udumbara flowers have started to come out again in our garden since 12th February 2010, i.e. the two days before the Chinese Lunar New Year. From 12th February 2010 to 1st May 2010, there had been 167 Udumbara flowers flourishing in our garden. They were all found by visitors. It seems to us that they are the New Year present to the whole world. Many visitors, not only came from Hong Kong , but came from cities abroad. They came to watch the Flowers as well as to try to find Udumbara flowers for themselves. Up to 4th March 2010, there have been 1005 Udumbara flowers totally blooming in our garden since 23rd August 2008.

Free Visit


The Scripture said that “the Udumbara is the product of touch elicited from the conspicuous, spiritual and supernatural phenomenon. It is the celestial flower and does not exit in the mundane world. If the Tathagata or the King of the Golden Wheel appears in the human world, this flower will be moved to manifest due to His mighty virtue and blessing.” Now, the Udumbara flowers appear in a great amount in the “Lord Coming Courtyard”.




On 18th June 2009, 19 pure Udmbara flowers showed up on the fourth glass pane of the garden wall facing the sea. They shone light rays of purple and violet clearly from the snow white Udumbara flowers. (4481)


On 18th June 2009, 4 pure Udumbara flowers came out on the fourth glass pane of the garden wall facing the sea. They shone light rays of purple and violet conspicuously from the snow white flowers. (4485)

Anyone who can see the Udumbara flower would receive great blessings from the heaven. The blessings are huge certainly. Anyone who can find himself/herself Udumbara flowers, the blessings are even greater. There were 42 Udumbara flowers blossoming on 23rd August 2008, 796 in the year 2009, 215 in 2010, 239 in 2011, 44 in 2012, and with a total of 1336 Udumbara flower. The person who understands the truth would like to see the Udumbara flower eagerly and as soon as possible. It is a great chance for one to meet the Udumbara flower. The whole trip takes around three hours excluding the transportation. Any person who is interested in watching Udumbara flowers or even tries to look around our garden for Udumbara flowers, please phone (852)23744078 (Hong Kong music Home) or send an email to: lauchiukay@netvigator.comskype lau20080404(Dr. Lau) for an appointment.

  Free Talks


On 26th June 2009, 3 Udumbara flowers grew on the leaf of a dogtooth violet(狗牙花). Under the dark green leaf shone the bright light spot. They are like the lights in a green cave. The domestic helper cut the leaf down for us to keep in order to protect the Udumbara flower from the damage from the storms. (4528)


On 26th June 2009, 8 Udumbara flowers appeared on the leaf of the tangerine(桔樹). They are like lights on the green ocean. The domestic helper cut the leaf down for us to keep in order to protect the Udumbara flower from the damage from the storms. (4533)

The writer would like to give free talks to the public on topics concerning the Udumbara flower, Music from Divine, Piano Education, Absolute Pitch Training, Music Education and Therapy, the Education for Young Children, and the Education for the Special Educational Needs Children in Hong Kong or in the cities outside Hong Kopng. The talks can be conducted in Cantonese, mandarin (Putonghua) or in English. The writer can be responsible for all the expenses. The schedule is suggested as follows: 1) Subject Talk; 2) The Introduction of Falundafa; and 3) Practice of the Five Falundafa Exercises. In the talks, persons who are interested in knowing the Falundafa further will be referred to the Falundafa practitioners of the city. Anyone who would like to help or would like to refer my case to some organizing parties please contact me through email (lauchiukay@netvigator.com) or skype (lau20080404) (attention: Dr. Lau).



11 Udumbara flowers swung along the dying stem of a rose like swings on 8th June 2009. (4466)


1 Udumbara flower proudly stood on the end of the iron wire fixing the tangerine(桔樹) on 8th June 2009.


Date of Completion:  4th May 2010.

Date of Revision: 3rd March 2013.


~The end~


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